When you uproot your entire life and move across the country to chase a crazy dream, you gain a weird sort of notoriety back home. A mix of hope and cynicism. Wide-eyed encouragement with a dash of misanthropy. When you fly in the face of everything you’ve been cautioned against, your elders are sitting on […]
It still doesn’t feel real yet, but I’m less than a week away from officially being a Startup Institute graduate.
So many people have asked, “What are you actually learning there at Startup Institute? Do you feel like you’re coming away with worthwhile skills? Are you getting your money’s worth?” Here’s the short answer: yes.
A good friend from home was in town last night and even just seeing his face reminded me of how much I miss about the network of friends and colleagues I left back in Rochester. Mostly, the pure existence of one.
If there’s one theme that has been pretty consistent through the all-star lineup of Startup Institute fireside chat speakers, it’s this – don’t be an asshole.
One of the things I remember distinctly about the first day of Startup Institute came from Jenn, the director.
Yesterday, we had a session on emotional intelligence. What it means, how it affects your relationships with your team and how you can be better at it.